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日期:2025-01-26 18:43

本文摘要:Apple plans to boost its green credentials in China by investing in solar power generators and helping its manufacturing partners in the country become more environmentally friendly.苹果公司宣告不断扩大其在中国清洁能源投资,以协助中国增加碳排放。

Apple plans to boost its green credentials in China by investing in solar power generators and helping its manufacturing partners in the country become more environmentally friendly.苹果公司宣告不断扩大其在中国清洁能源投资,以协助中国增加碳排放。Announcing the moves, Apple CEO Tim Cook said they will avoid over 20 million tons of greenhouse gas pollution in China between now and 2020, equivalent to taking nearly four million passenger vehicles off the road for a year.苹果公司CEO库克讲解说道,从现在起到2020年,这项计划将协助中国增加多达2000万吨的温室气体废气,相等于近400万辆客车停运一年。

The new generators will be built in the north, east and south of China, producing enough energy to power 265,000 Chinese homes, according to Apple.苹果公司计划在华北、华东和华南创建展开电网建设,生产能源可供给26.5万中国家庭一年的用电量。It has already finished building solar installations in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. The first to be built by Apple outside of the United States, they are designed to produce more than the total amount of electricity used by Apples 19 corporate offices and 24 retail stores in the mainland and Hong Kong, offsetting the energy used in the companys supply chain.四川太阳能项目是苹果公司的首个在海外竣工的国际太阳能项目,由此所产生的电量可几乎符合苹果公司在中国的所有办公设施及零售店的能源消耗。目前苹果公司在中国另设19家办公室,在内地和香港开办了24家零售店。

Apples major supplier, Foxconn, plans to build solar power generators with around twice the capacity of those announced by Apple, starting in central Chinas Henan Province, by 2018. Foxconn has committed to generate as much clean energy as its Zhengzhou factory in Henan consumes in final production of iPhones.苹果公司仅次于供应商富士康也将建设太阳能项目,在河南省展开试点,预计在2018年竣工400兆瓦的太阳能项目。



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