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特斯拉致命车祸 自动驾驶真的安全吗‘39152.k1体育’

日期:2025-01-17 18:43

本文摘要:The driver of a Tesla Model S electric car was killed in a crash that occurred while the vehicle was driving itself in “autopilot” mode, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration, which has opened a formal investigation.美国国家公路交通安全局(National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration)透露,一辆特斯拉Model S电动车在用于“自动驾驶”模式行经途中再次发生车祸,造成驾驶者丧生,对此案的月调查早已打开。

The driver of a Tesla Model S electric car was killed in a crash that occurred while the vehicle was driving itself in “autopilot” mode, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration, which has opened a formal investigation.美国国家公路交通安全局(National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration)透露,一辆特斯拉Model S电动车在用于“自动驾驶”模式行经途中再次发生车祸,造成驾驶者丧生,对此案的月调查早已打开。The accident, on May 7, is thought to be the first death resulting from a crash involving a self-driving car.这起车祸再次发生在5月7日,应当是牵涉到自动驾驶汽车的第一起丧命事故。Automakers and Silicon Valley companies like Tesla and Google are pushing to perfect automated vehicles and speed their introduction, but the big question has been whether the technology is reliable in a life-or-death situation.各大汽车生产商及特斯拉(Tesla)和谷歌(Google)这样的硅谷公司,正在推展自动化车辆的完备,加快把它们引进市场,但仅次于的问题是:在生死关头,这种技术否可信。

In a statement, the safety agency said it learned of the fatality from Tesla, and has sent an investigative team to examine the vehicle and the crash site in Williston, Fla., about 100 miles northwest of Orlando. The team is looking at the car’s automated driving system and whether it played a role in the crash.公路交通安全局在一份声明中回应,它从特斯拉那里获知了这起丧生事件,并已派遣一个调查小组对事发车辆和车祸现场展开调查。车祸再次发生在佛罗里达州的威利斯顿,坐落于奥兰多西北方向大约100英里处。调查团队正在检查该车的自动驾驶系统,以及它在车祸中起着的起到。

The safety agency did not identify the Tesla driver who was killed when a tractor-trailer turned in front of the car. But the Florida Highway Patrol identified him as Joshua Brown, 40, of Canton, Ohio.公路交通安全局没透露特斯拉驾驶者的身份。车祸再次发生时,有一辆大卡车在特斯拉前面弯道。

不过,佛罗里达公路巡警部门称之为,死者名为约书亚·布朗(Joshua Brown),40岁,来自俄亥俄州的坎顿。Tesla, in a news release that did not name the driver, said he was a man ‘‘who spent his life focused on innovation and the promise of technology and who believed strongly in Tesla’s mission.’’特斯拉在新闻稿中没提及驾驶者的姓名,只是说道他“一生专心于创意和技术发展,对特斯拉的愿景坚信不移”。Mr. Brown apparently posted videos of himself riding in autopilot mode. “The car’s doing it all itself,’’ he said in one, smiling as he took his hands from the steering wheel.布朗或许张贴曾为自动驾驶模式下他在车中的视频。

“这辆车自己就可以行经,”在一段视频中,他一旁说道,一旁微笑着把双手从方向盘移除进。In another he praised the system for saving his car from an accident.还有一次,他赞扬自动驾驶系统防止了一起事故。The traffic safety agency said it was working with the Florida Highway Patrol in the inquiry into Mr. Brown’s fatal accident. The agency cautioned that the opening of an investigation did not mean it believed there was a defect in the vehicle being examined.公路交通安全局回应,它正在与佛罗里达公路巡警部门一起调查布朗的丧生事件。

该机构慎重地回应,打开调查并不意味著它指出不受检查的车辆本身有缺陷。The traffic safety agency is nearing the release of a new set of guidelines and regulations regarding the testing of self-driving vehicles on public roads. They were expected to be released in July.公路交通安全局于是以打算公布一套新的关于自动驾驶车辆在公共道路上测试的准则和监管条例。这些内容预计不会在7月公之于众。

Tesla said in its news release that it had informed the traffic safety agency about the accident “immediately after it occurred.” But the company reported it publicly only on Thursday, after learning that the agency had begun to investigate.特斯拉在新闻稿中称之为,“事件再次发生后”,他们“立刻”通报了公路交通安全局。但直到获知该机构开始调查后,特斯拉才在本周四发布此事。

Earlier this month, the agency’s leader, Mark Rosekind, said at an automotive technology conference in Novi, Mich., that the new rules would provide “guidance for how to get all of these autonomous new safety technologies on the road safely.”本月早些时候,公路交通安全局主管马克·罗斯金德(Mark Rosekind)在密歇根州诺维开会的汽车技术会议上回应,对于“如何让各种新的自动化安全性技术在道路上安全性地运营”,新的规则将获取指导。Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, has praised the company’s self-driving feature, introduced in the Model S last fall, as “probably better than a person right now.”特斯拉去年秋天发售Model S时,其首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)赞扬他们的自动驾车功能“现在很有可能高于人类”。

But in its statement on Thursday, the company cautioned that it was still only a test feature and noted that its use ‘‘requires explicit acknowledgment that the system is new technology.’’但在周四的声明中,该公司规劝众人,这项功能依然正处于测试阶段,用于时“必须必要证实,这一系统归属于新技术”。It noted that when a driver activated the system, an acknowledgment box pops up, explaining that the autopilot mode “is an assist feature that requires you to keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times.”文中认为,当驾驶员启动自动驾驶系统时,不会有一个证实框弹出有,表明自动驾驶模式“是一项辅助功能,必须你仍然把双手放到方向盘上”。



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