日期:2024-12-24 18:43
The Indonesian government has demanded all instant messaging apps to remove same-sex emoticons or face a ban in the country.近日,印度尼西亚政府拒绝所有即时通讯应用于去除同性恋者涉及的表情符号,否则将被停止使用。The emojis — which are available on the popular apps LINE and Whatsapp as well as Facebook and Twitter — depict same-sex couples holding hands and the rainbow flag, commonly used to symbolise the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.在Line、WhatsApp、Facebook、Twitter等颇受青睐的应用程序中,用户都可以用于那些叙述同性夫妇手牵着手、彩虹旗、一般来说用来回应女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋和变性者(LGBT)社区的emoji表情。Such contents are not allowed in Indonesia based on our cultural law and the religious norms and the operators must respect that, Ismail Cawidu, spokesman for the communication and information ministry, said Friday.周五,该国信息通讯部发言人伊斯梅尔·卡维杜回应,该国停止使用同性恋者表情符号是基于其文化法律和宗教规范,经营者必需认同这些。
He said of particular concern was that the colourful emojis and stickers could appeal to children. Those things might be considered normal in some Western countries, while in Indonesia its practically impossible, he said.他回应:“特别是在必须留意的是,色彩非常丰富的emojis很更容易更有孩子。一些西方国家也许指出这些东西很长时间,但在印尼完全是不有可能的。”Mr Cawidu said the ministry had contacted all companies that used such content, including Twitter and Facebook, and failure to comply with the request to remove the emojis could lead to the apps being banned in Indonesia.卡维杜说道,通讯和信息部早已联络Twitter、Facebook和其他可以在应用于中用于这些emojis的公司,如果他们不按拒绝去除此类内容,很有可能被印尼停止使用。LINE Indonesia has already removed its gay emojis from online stores and issued an apology.目前印尼版Line早已从在线商店里移除了同性恋者emojis,甚至还公布了致歉声明。
While homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, the topic remains a controversial subject.虽然同性恋者在这个以穆斯林居多的国家不是非法,但仍极具争议。