日期:2024-12-14 18:43
People of a certain age will remember the Ask Jeeves search engine and, more importantly, what fun it was to type in rude questions to see what the long-suffering butler might say.上了年纪的人会忘记Ask Jeeves这个搜索引擎,更加最重要的是,输出一些责备的问题来看这个长久以来受苦受难的“管家”不会如何问,那是十分有意思的一件事。Jeeves may no longer be around, but now everyone with an iPhone or iPad has something similar with Apples voice assistant, Siri.Jeeves有可能不复存在了,但是现在所有的iPhone或是iPad用户在和苹果语音助手Siri交流时,都会遇上类似于的情况。Siri has been on hand to help since 2010 and, like Jeeves before her, its also possible to have a little fun with her.从2010年起Siri就仍然在协助用户,就像之前的Jeeves一样,和她交流也某种程度有体验。
For example, if you ask Siri to borrow some money, shell sagely reply with, Neither a borrower nor a lender be.例如如果你向Siri还债,她不会一本正经地问你:“我既不是借款人也不是贷款人。”Sometimes, however, the harmless Siri fun can stray into something more serious - and potentially harmful.但是,与Siri进一些看起来有害的笑话,有时可能会造成很相当严重的后果--很有可能是危害的。
iPhone users have been taking to Twitter recently telling others to say the number 108 to Siri, adding things like, Youll thank me later.最近,一些iPhone用户在推特上拒绝其他用户对Siri说道“108”,并且补足道:“几天后你不会感激我的。”Saying 108 will in fact put you through to the emergency services in the UK. This is because 108 is the equivalent of 999 in India, writes The Sun.《太阳报》报导称之为,事实上,对Siri说道“108”不会使你相连到英国的应急服务。这是因为“108”相等于印度的“999”。
So what Siri does is recognise it as an emergency call, and puts you through to the services in your area.所以,Siri所做到的是将它视作一个应急调用,并使你相连到所在地区的应急服务部门。Other numbers includes in similar pranks are: 112,110, 000 and the US number 911.而其他不会导致相近的闹剧的号码还包括:112、110、000以及美国的911。
What makes this prank particularly inadvisable are the thinly stretched resources of our emergency services.这个恶作剧特别是在不是非的原因是,它不会集中我们的应急服务资源。