日期:2024-11-24 18:43
1. Personalisation and AI用人工智能构建个性化自定义According to Guive Balooch, global vice president of LOreals Technology Incubator, 50% of women complain that they cant find the right shade of foundation for their face, and women with darker skin tones have been crying out for more choice.欧莱雅高新技术创业中心全球副总裁吉夫·巴洛赫说道:“50%的女性责怪去找将近色调合适自己的粉底液,而肤色亮的女性期望有更加多自由选择。”But putting thousands of shades on shop shelves would be impractical, he says.他说道,然而在商店货架上放置数千种色号的粉底液是“不现实”的。
Instead, LOreal subsidiary Lancome has come up with a custom-made foundation machine called Le Teint Particulier, which promises to find the exact match for your skin using AI.欧莱雅旗下的兰蔻发售了一种根据客户市场需求自定义粉底液的机器,取名为肤色粉底自定义仪,据传能用人工智能技术来寻找“准确给定”肤色的粉底液。Lancomes consultants first work out your facial skin tone using a handheld colorimeter - a type of digital scanner. The results are then run through a computer, which uses a proprietary algorithm to choose from 20,000 different shades. Finally, the computers findings are sent to a machine that mixes the foundation for you, there and then in the shop.首先,兰蔻的咨询师不会用一个手执色度计(一种数字扫描仪)测得你的脸部肤色,然后把结果输出电脑,电脑不会用一种专有算法在2万种色号中作出自由选择。最后,电脑的计算结果将发送到一台机器,机器不会当场为你在店里调制粉底液。According to market research firm Mintel, demand for personalized cosmetics is growing fast. Nearly half of consumers like the idea that a beauty product is personalized especially for them, and a third think such products give better results.据市场调研公司英敏特透漏,个性化化妆品的需求量快速增长很快。
将近半数顾客讨厌为自己自定义专属的个性化美妆产品这个点子,三分之一的顾客指出用于这种产品效果不会更佳。2. Virtual try on apps虚拟世界“试妆”应用于As we do more of our shopping online beauty brands are increasingly using augmented reality (AR) to enhance the experience.随着我们网购激增,美妆品牌也更加多地用于增强现实技术来提升我们的网购体验。Improvements in image recognition and face tracking tech is making these digital overlays more accurate.图像识别和面部跟踪技术的改良让这些技术变换产品的结果更为精确。
Take Sephoras Virtual Artist, which lets customers virtually try on thousands of shades of lipstick and eyeshadow through their smart phones or at kiosks in stores.以丝芙兰的“虚拟世界艺术家”为事例,这一应用于让顾客通过智能手机或商店的化妆间虚拟世界试用数千种颜色的口红和眼影。The app works by measuring where your lips and eyes are in real time, then tracking those facial feature points so it knows where to put the cosmetics.通过动态测量你的嘴唇和眼睛的方位,这款应用于跟踪这些面部特征的点,从而获知在哪里上妆。Sephora says more than 200 million shades have been tried on through Virtual Artist since it was launched in 2016, and a host of other brands, from Garnier to Germanys DM, have launched try on apps, too.丝芙兰回应,自从2016年发售“虚拟世界艺术家”后,眼影和口红早已被试用2亿多次。
还包括卡尼尔和德国DM在内的多个品牌也早已发售了试妆应用于。But some reviewers warn the apps are no substitute for trying on products for real before you buy them.不过,一些评论人士警告称之为,在要求否出售时,试妆应用于无法替代特地试妆。
Maghan McDowell, innovation editor at Vogue Business, agrees they are not 100% accurate but says customers still find them useful.《Vogue Business》的创新编辑梅根·麦克道威尔否认这些应用于的结果不是百分百精确,但顾客仍不会感觉简单。3. Smart skincare tools智能护肤工具Would you trust a computer to rate your skin? The HiMirror, a smart mirror made by Taiwans New Kinpo Group, does just this.你信任一台电脑来评价你的肤质吗?台湾新金宝集团生产的智能镜子HiMirror就能构建这个功能。It takes a photo of your face every time you log in and scans it for wrinkles, red spots, pores, fine lines, and brightness levels.每次你指定时HiMirror都会给你拍电影一张照片,扫瞄你的皱纹、红斑、毛孔、细纹和亮度。
It then rates these factors from good to poor, and sends you personalized tips and product recommendations.然后智能镜子不会根据这些因素得出皮肤评级,并将个性化建议和引荐产品发送给你。Olay offers a similar smartphone service called Skin Advisor, while its new app FutureYou Simulation enables users to visualize what their skin and face will look like in the future using AR.玉兰油也获取一种类似于的智能手机服务,取名为“皮肤顾问”,另外玉兰油的新应用于FutureYou Simulation能让用户通过增强现实技术来意识到自己的皮肤和脸未来的样子。Some skincare experts warn that, without giving users more context about their skin scores, such products could unnecessarily harm peoples self-esteem if the feedback is negative.一些护肤专家警告说道,在没获取更加多背景信息的前提下,如果获得的是负面的对系统,这种给用户皮肤评分的产品不会给人们的自尊心导致不必要的损害。4. Printed make up打印机化妆品Will we ever see robots put on our make-up for us? A number of gadgets released in the last few years suggest we might.有一天机器人不会老大我们化妆吗?近几年发售的多个电子产品告诉他我们,有可能。
Take the Opté wand from Proctor and Gamble (PG), a make-up printer unveiled at this years Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.以保洁公司研发的Opté wand为事例,这款化妆品打印机今年在拉斯维加斯举办的消费类电子产品展览会上亮相。The wand scans the skin and precisely applies tiny amounts of make-up to hide age spots, burst blood vessels and other blemishes.这款打印机可扫瞄皮肤,精准地在皮肤上涂抹少量化妆品来遮挡色斑、血丝和其他瑕疵。Its tiny built-in camera takes 200 frames per second, while a microprocessor analyses this data to differentiate between light and dark areas. A micro printer then applies the foundation to your skin.打印机内置的微型摄像机秒速可超过200帧,还有一个分析数据的微处理器,可区分皮肤的亮区和暗区。
微型打印机可以将粉底液涂抹到你的皮肤上。PG, which hopes to launch the product by 2020, says the printers precision means it needs relatively little serum, so peoples make-up bills should drop.保洁期望在2020年前发售这一产品,并回应打印机的精准意味著必须的精华液比较更加较少,从而可以增加人们在化妆品上的支出。Imagining where the trend could go, design agency Seymour Powell has unveiled a printer concept that would allow make-up looks seen online to be downloaded and printed directly on to the face.设计工作室Seymour Powell想象了这一趋势的南北后明确提出了一个打印机概念,就是未来客户可以iTunes网上看到的妆容,并必要打印机到自己的脸上。
5. 3D or e-make-up电子妆容One of the latest beauty tech trends doesnt actually involve wearing real cosmetics.近期的一个美妆潮流不必须中用知道化妆品。Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram, e-make up artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self.不受Snapchat和Instagram上的增强现实滤镜热潮灵感,电子化妆师让你需要iTunes异国风情的妆容来美化你的照片。
One artist at the forefront of the trend is Parisian Ines Marzet, known online as Ines Alpha, whose creations have adorned pictures of artists, musicians and models on Instagram.回头在潮流最前端的电子化妆师之一是来自巴黎的伊娜·玛泽(网名为伊娜·阿尔法),Instagram上的多位艺术家、音乐人和模特儿都用于过她设计的妆容来美化照片。She has also made a series of filters anyone can download for Snapchat.伊娜还制作了一系列滤镜,任何人都可以iTunes后在Snapchat上用于。The goal is to make photos and videos more shareable online, and many of her digital make-up creations have gone viral.她的目标是让照片和视频更加有一点在网上被共享,她设计的许多电子妆容都是爆款。